
Hi. My name is Fiona Kane-Salafia, hyphenated because my mother wouldn’t let her name die. Go mom.

I am equally excited by rusty lead type as I am about a new animation plugin. I live in Brooklyn, NY with my partner and two cats: Fig and Gus. You can find me cross stitching and getting a little too competitive at strategic German board games, often at the same time.

Anyway, if you’re looking for a creative who can do: advertising, branding, motion graphics, digital, social, web, experiential print, and more - drop me a line @ 610-858-8592 or fionakanesalafia@gmail.com.

Oh, and I have some legitimate experience:

Meta (via Magnit Global)
Visual Designer | NYC

Graphic Designer | NYC

Hanlon Creative & Branded Spaces
Creative Intern | Greater Philadelphia Area

B Lab
Graphic Design Intern | Greater Philadelphia Area